Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ashlynn's Video

Ashlynn Yea (雪琳) is now three weeks old.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ashlynn's pictures

Thank God that the baby was delivered successfully and naturally. Dinah was intensively in labour for more than 6 hours.
The photo was taken right after discharge from General Hospital in Kuching.

The picture of Ashlynn Yea Xue Lin (叶雪淋). She is now one day old. The cutest baby ever is hibernating in her cot so securely.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The baby is born on 4 April 2009

Finally the baby was born exactly on the estimated date at 10:19 am. Everything went fine. Dinah is super exhausted. I will try to put up the baby's pictures as soon as possible.